Step-by-step guide for a basic offer

A simple guide to your offer setup.

With a basic offer setup, you don't need to include all the features, but make sure to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create new offer

From your Shopify admin, visit BOGOS: Free gift & Buy X Get Y app, and click Create offer.

Step 2: Set offer title

In Offer information, input the title of offer. Customers can see the title in Today offer widget.

Step 3: Choose start time

In Offer information, choose the Start and End time to set offer's duration. (End time is optional)

Step 4: Select offer main condition

To get the gifts, customers will have to meet the main condition first.

In Offer main condition, click Add main condition. You can select between 3 types of conditions:

  • Cart value condition: Customers must spend a certain amount in cart to get gifts

    E.g: Buy $100 to get gifts

  • Cart quantity condition: Customers must buy a certain number of products to get gifts

    E.g: Buy 5 products to get gifts

  • Specific product condition: Customers must buy specific products to get gifts. The number of gifts will automatically be multiplied if customers purchase more.

    E.g: Buy product A to get gift B, buy 2A get 2B, buy 3A get 3B and so on

A more detailed guide for each specific condition will be Here.

Step 5: Select gifts

Once customers have met the condition, they will see the gifts in carts.

In this section, click Select gifts. You can search for products by their titles.

Step 6: Save draft or Publish

Now that you've set up the offer, you can:

  • Click Save draft: to save the setup, but the offer's status will still be off until you activate it.

  • Click Publish: to publish the offer right away on your online store.

Step 7: Recheck on your store

After you've got the offer ready, you can go to your Online Store and check how the offer works.

You can customize how the app displays on your storefront here.

And that's a basic offer setup! If you have any questions, just send us a message via Live Chat or email us at Good luck with your promotion campaign!

Last updated