Selecting offer main condition

Customers have to meet these conditions to get the gifts. Select at least one condition to start.

On this page:

Cart value condition

The condition requires customers to reach a certain cart value to get gifts. You can set the Min and Max of this cart value.

Spend $100 to get gifts.

Spend $199-299 in collection A to get gifts.

This condition can apply to:

  • any products in store

  • all except certain products

  • all except certain types/vendors/collections

  • only selected products

  • only selected types/vendors/collections

Cart quantity condition

The condition requires customers to purchase a certain number of products to get gifts. Min and Max value here decides the quantity range in which customers can buy to get gifts.

Buy 5 products to get gifts.

Buy 1-5 products from vendors A to get gifts.

This condition can apply to:

  • any products in store

  • all except certain products

  • all except certain types/vendors/collections

  • only selected products

  • only selected types/vendors/collections

Combine cart value X cart quantity

You can combine the Cart value condition and the Cart quantity condition together in one offer.

Choose AND if you require customers to satisfy cart value and cart quantity conditions at once. Choose OR if customers just need to satisfy at least one condition to get gifts.

Spend more than $500 AND Buy more than 5 products to get gifts;

Spend more than $100 OR Buy more than 3 products to get gifts.

This combined condition can apply to:

  • any products in store

  • all except certain products

  • all except certain types/vendors/collections

  • only selected products

  • only selected types/vendors/collections

Specific product condition

The condition requires customers to purchase some specific products to get gifts. You can set the number of products customers should buy to get gifts.

Buy product X to get gift Y.

Multiply gifts with number of products

The more products customers buy, the more gifts they will get.

Buy 2X get Y > Buy 4X get 2Y > Buy 6X get 3Y and so on.

Gifts will be the same as selected products

Customers will get the exact same items as gifts.

  • Track by variant: Customer get the same variant as gift.

  • Track by product: Customer get the same product as gift. Gift could be different variants of one product.

Buy A get A, Buy B get B.

Cart value multiplier condition

The condition allows customers to spend more and get more. The base value you set decides how much customers should spend in your store to get gifts. It will automatically scale up once customers buy more.

Spend $100 get 1 gift, spend $200 get 2 gifts, $300 get 3 gifts and so on.

This condition can apply to:

  • any products in store

  • all except certain products

  • all except certain types/vendors/collections

  • only selected products

  • only selected types/vendors/collections

Pack of products condition

This condition requires customers to buy all selected products to get gifts. You can set the number of products customers should buy to get gifts.

Buy both A and B to get gift, Buy 2A and B to get gift, Buy 3A and 4B to get gift and so on.

Verify pack of products condition by

Choose "products" if customers need to buy the product pack to get gifts, regardless of the variants, or choose "variants" if they need to buy the exactly selected variants to be eligible for gifts.

Multiply gifts with number of packs

This feature allows customers to get more gifts as they buy more packs of products. E.g., buy 1 pack, get 1 gift > buy 2 packs, get 2 gifts > more..

When customers remove products from the pack in their cart, or decrease their quantity, the gifts are also removed automatically.

If you have any questions, just send us a message via Live Chat or email us at Good luck with your promotion campaign!

Last updated